Policy Stances for Utah and the Nation
Policy Stances for Utah and the Nation
The Right to Bear Arms & 2nd Amendment
The Right to Bear Arms & 2nd Amendment
I believe in an all-encompassing 2nd Amendment. It should be protected at all costs. The government and its bureaucrats have already hijacked many of our God-given rights to keep and bear arms.
I believe in an all-encompassing 2nd Amendment. It should be protected at all costs. The government and its bureaucrats have already hijacked many of our God-given rights to keep and bear arms.
My plan is to block any new gun legislation that comes to the floor. The 2nd Amendment is important to all Utahns and must be protected at all costs.
My plan is to block any new gun legislation that comes to the floor. The 2nd Amendment is important to all Utahns and must be protected at all costs.
U.S. Veterans and the VA
U.S. Veterans and the VA
I believe that Veterans are the very fiber of our nation. They have given everything to uphold freedom and democracy around the world when others dare not. Veterans are dying because they are not getting the mental healthcare they so desperately need.
I believe that Veterans are the very fiber of our nation. They have given everything to uphold freedom and democracy around the world when others dare not. Veterans are dying because they are not getting the mental healthcare they so desperately need.
I know this, I deal with this myself, and the system seems to not care about the needs of our Combat Veterans or all Veterans alike. Veterans deserve nothing but the best from the government for their sacrifices to the nation.
I know this, I deal with this myself, and the system seems to not care about the needs of our Combat Veterans or all Veterans alike. Veterans deserve nothing but the best from the government for their sacrifices to the nation.
Healthcare/Mental Health Care regardless of disability status or any status thereof should be given to those that are honorably discharged from service at no cost to the veteran. Veterans and their survivors should not have to pay property taxes.
Healthcare/Mental Health Care regardless of disability status or any status thereof should be given to those that are honorably discharged from service at no cost to the veteran. Veterans and their survivors should not have to pay property taxes.
Veterans should receive free education from all institutions that they want to attend up to their Master's Degree.
Veterans should receive free education from all institutions that they want to attend up to their Master's Degree.
When a Military member is about to transition from military to civilian life they should be granted a skills bridge program. This ensures they can have all the qualifications to continue their job on the outside. This is better because it creates minimal shock, and something to transition to when becoming a Veteran to better stabilize them and their family if they have one.
When a Military member is about to transition from military to civilian life they should be granted a skills bridge program. This ensures they can have all the qualifications to continue their job on the outside. This is better because it creates minimal shock, and something to transition to when becoming a Veteran to better stabilize them and their family if they have one.
The Family
The Family
As we all know here in Utah Families are a sacred thing. Families are under attack not only in Utah because of the solid foundation that we have, but all over the nation.
As we all know here in Utah Families are a sacred thing. Families are under attack not only in Utah because of the solid foundation that we have, but all over the nation.
Gender Ideology is being taught in our schools undermining the parent's teachings, families can barely get by on a single-parent income let alone a two-parent income, and inflation is decimating the savings and paychecks of Utahns. Families are under attack and the nuclear family is what holds us as a society together.
Gender Ideology is being taught in our schools undermining the parent's teachings, families can barely get by on a single-parent income let alone a two-parent income, and inflation is decimating the savings and paychecks of Utahns. Families are under attack and the nuclear family is what holds us as a society together.
Parents like you are who should be molding the minds of the children, not some public servant that is paid to indoctrinate your children. Families should have a say in their children's education and what is being taught to their children.
Parents like you are who should be molding the minds of the children, not some public servant that is paid to indoctrinate your children. Families should have a say in their children's education and what is being taught to their children.
I understand first-hand the woes that come from navigating the Immigration system. I have worked on immigration and my wife is an immigrant.
I understand first-hand the woes that come from navigating the Immigration system. I have worked on immigration and my wife is an immigrant.
I know that the system for Immigration is broken.
I know that the system for Immigration is broken.
While you wait patiently and legally, thousands cross the border daily while these administrations do nothing. I want to overhaul the immigration system because it clearly isn't working for the United States or the citizens of it.
While you wait patiently and legally, thousands cross the border daily while these administrations do nothing. I want to overhaul the immigration system because it clearly isn't working for the United States or the citizens of it.
I know many Utahns have significant others who are from abroad and are rightfully upset at the waiting times, the constant mind games that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and other entities seem to play with you, and the length of time that it takes to become a citizen of this great nation.
I know many Utahns have significant others who are from abroad and are rightfully upset at the waiting times, the constant mind games that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and other entities seem to play with you, and the length of time that it takes to become a citizen of this great nation.
Small Business
Small Business
I know it seems that Congress has forgotten about small businesses in this country and Utah.
I know it seems that Congress has forgotten about small businesses in this country and Utah.
While corporations get richer and you drown under the weight of inflation, lack of a workforce, and governmental red tape that keeps you from a prosperous job, the United States is crushing the American Dream for you.
While corporations get richer and you drown under the weight of inflation, lack of a workforce, and governmental red tape that keeps you from a prosperous job, the United States is crushing the American Dream for you.
Tax cuts for small businesses will be on the forefront of my agenda if elected to give you more freedom to pursue the entrepreneurship you desire while giving you a fighting chance.
Tax cuts for small businesses will be on the forefront of my agenda if elected to give you more freedom to pursue the entrepreneurship you desire while giving you a fighting chance.
I believe that the Department of Education is an overstep of the 10th Amendment of the United States.
I believe that the Department of Education is an overstep of the 10th Amendment of the United States.
Nowhere in the Constitution does it state that the United States Government has the right to dictate what is taught to your children.
Nowhere in the Constitution does it state that the United States Government has the right to dictate what is taught to your children.
We are seeing our educational system falter and fall further and further behind other countries in the world. While this problem is not an issue with Utah and Utah being 5th overall in the country, the rest of the country is falling behind because of the policies that the Department of Education is implementing.
We are seeing our educational system falter and fall further and further behind other countries in the world. While this problem is not an issue with Utah and Utah being 5th overall in the country, the rest of the country is falling behind because of the policies that the Department of Education is implementing.
I will either call for the dissolution of the Department of Education or implement educational requirements that help bring the United States up in the ranking. That way we are producing more well-educated children to adulthood, putting us ahead of other countries that we are currently behind.
I will either call for the dissolution of the Department of Education or implement educational requirements that help bring the United States up in the ranking. That way we are producing more well-educated children to adulthood, putting us ahead of other countries that we are currently behind.
Today, gender ideology, CRT, and leftist-liberal woke policies are a stench that is plaguing our educational system from the ground up to our higher education institutions that have turned from educational institutions to indoctrination camps for our youth and young minds.
Today, gender ideology, CRT, and leftist-liberal woke policies are a stench that is plaguing our educational system from the ground up to our higher education institutions that have turned from educational institutions to indoctrination camps for our youth and young minds.
I believe in Conservationism vs the Climate Crisis. Conservationism to me is continuing to utilize our lands as they were intended and utilizing our public lands for recreational use while also ensuring that we can do better by cleaning up the environment by cleaning up after ourselves, utilizing better products for the environment, and utilizing clean energy.
I believe in Conservationism vs the Climate Crisis. Conservationism to me is continuing to utilize our lands as they were intended and utilizing our public lands for recreational use while also ensuring that we can do better by cleaning up the environment by cleaning up after ourselves, utilizing better products for the environment, and utilizing clean energy.
However, I do not believe in the destruction of your public lands for windmills and solar fields. These two types of clean energy are harmful to the environment as they utilize clear-cutting tactics and still utilize fossil fuels from time to time.
However, I do not believe in the destruction of your public lands for windmills and solar fields. These two types of clean energy are harmful to the environment as they utilize clear-cutting tactics and still utilize fossil fuels from time to time.
Nuclear is the only true way to a cleaner energy future. I support Nuclear and Natural Gas alternatives. But we should not abandon our fossil fuel energy.
Nuclear is the only true way to a cleaner energy future. I support Nuclear and Natural Gas alternatives. But we should not abandon our fossil fuel energy.
These people who have worked in the industry are what keeps this country moving forward and if we abandon them we will be creating a new problem not only for ourselves but for an entire job force that would be stranded.
These people who have worked in the industry are what keeps this country moving forward and if we abandon them we will be creating a new problem not only for ourselves but for an entire job force that would be stranded.
We need a balanced mix of clean energy and fossil fuels to ensure that we have a better environment and sustainable solutions. This will not only better the environment but avoid maiming the industries and the people who are a part of that industry.
We need a balanced mix of clean energy and fossil fuels to ensure that we have a better environment and sustainable solutions. This will not only better the environment but avoid maiming the industries and the people who are a part of that industry.