Scott Hatfield
Candidate for State Legislator - House District 49
Utah Republican


Why I'm Running for State Legislator

I'm Scott A. Hatfield Jr, and my journey into politics is fueled by a strong commitment to serve as the state legislator for House District 49. With a background in various governmental roles, including the City of Ridgecrest, California, the United States Navy, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Utah Department of Corrections, and the United States Senate, I bring a wealth of experience and a nuanced understanding of public affairs.

My decision to run for office is rooted in a desire to provide Republicans in House District 49 with a compelling choice – a leader who will champion the specific needs of the district and advocate for the broader interests of all Utahns in the state legislature. I aim to be a proactive representative, taking the concerns of my constituents to Salt Lake City and ensuring that the state's policies align with the diverse needs of its people.

Education is one of the many cornerstones of my preparation for this role. Holding a degree in Political Science with an emphasis on American Government and constitutional studies from Utah Valley University, I have a solid foundation in the principles that underpin our constitutional republic. My academic journey also took me to Oxford University in England, where I gained a global perspective on governance and the importance of our republic. Currently pursuing a Master of Public Administration with an emphasis in Criminal Justice, I am committed to staying informed and equipped to address the evolving challenges faced by the state.

My policy platform reflects a comprehensive approach to the issues that matter most to House District 49 and Utah as a whole. I am determined to work towards lowering taxes, increasing education funding, advocating for water conservation, promoting economic development, and ensuring access to land while preventing federal overreach. I will fight for the preservation of grazing rights for Utah ranchers, address housing access and affordability, and champion clean and sustainable energy without neglecting the state's coal industry and associated jobs.

Additionally, I am passionate about criminal justice reform that enhances public safety while being mindful of the well-being of offenders. I aim to introduce legislation on term limits, uphold election integrity, and end sanctuary status for illegal immigrants in Utah. My dedication extends to expanding tax relief programs for veterans and first responders.

My personal background, growing up in a single-parent household below the poverty line, fuels my commitment to those in my district that they may never know the vices associated with poverty. As the first in my immediate family to graduate from college, I embody the values of resilience and hard work that I seek to instill in the policies I advocate for.

In essence, I stand as a candidate driven by a deep sense of duty and a vision for a better Utah. With a comprehensive understanding of governance, a commitment to education, and a policy agenda that prioritizes the well-being of my constituents, I aspire to bring positive and impactful change to House District 49 and the state legislature.

My Call to Action

I'm calling on the constituency of the 49th District to unite behind me so we can send a strong Utahn to Salt Lake City to carry out the needs of the people of Utah

I humbly ask you to join me, reach out to me to get involved, and help us the people of Utah win a seat in Salt Lake City and send someone who will stand up not only for Utahns of our district but for all Utahn's and our Constitution that we all love and cherish with someone who is of the people, for the people and standing with the people in Salt Lake City of this District.

A Voice for You—And All Utahns

Most Importantly, I'm running to be a voice for not only the people of Utah’s 49th District but for all Utahns alike. If elected, I plan to be a Legislator of the people, for the people, standing with the people in Salt Lake City